Thursday, 29 November 2007

I like a lOt catSsSS!!!!!!!!! =D thiS iS a vidiO of catS, theiR jamp, rUn..feL.. it'S fUny!!! ^^


I like iS miUsic, sHe'S beaUtifuL...

RihaNNa- UmbreLLa


caRhaRtt ^^


I like thiS phOtO becauSe iS very beaUtifUl!


I like thiS phOtO becaUse I Like paint.
I Like thiS phOtO

shOeS, I(L)y0u

I like thiS phOtO becaUse there are a lOt of cOlorS.

Thursday, 22 November 2007

,,,La mOraDa deL miiedO*]

I lke terrOr fiLmS, thiS fiLm iS greaT! ^^

Thursday, 15 November 2007


1. Choose a state and find at least three reasons why it would be interesting to visit this state.
-New York.
I thiNk iS inteReStinG tO viSit beCaUse tHere aRe univeRsitieS, biGs anD beaUtifUls hOteLs anD y0u can fOund a lOt of famOus peOple.

2. Answer the following three questions of your state.

a. Name one important/well known person of your state.
Tupac Shakur rapper, Bronx
Mae West actress, Brooklyn
Barbara Stanwyck actress, Brooklyn

b. What is the typical food of your state?

-A little bit of everything

c. When did it enter the USA?
-On Julay 26, 1788

ѕιмρℓє ρℓαη

Friday, 19 October 2007

●gяєαѕє ƒιℓм●

I like the fiLm becaUse it's very rOmantiC bUt I dOn't like weN they sinG becaUse it's veRy bOreD.

Tuesday, 16 October 2007


1. Describe the clothes the people are wearing in the picture.
He's weaRinG a bLaCk tRauSeRs, a bLaCk jaCket anD a white t-sHirt. She's weaRinG a blaCk anD white dReSs anD a pink jaCket.

2.Can you describe John Travolta.
iN thiS fOtO eh's mOre olD then in tHe fiLm. He's weaRinG a bLue jaCket anD a bLUe t-sHirt. he haS bLue eyeS anD brOwn haiR. I think he haS 40 yeaRs.

3. Name the greatest Rock and Roll band of the 50s.
the rOllinG stOnes.

4. Name another well known band of the 60s.
eLviS pReSley, the beatLeS, miChaeL jaCksOn aND madOnna.

5. Describe Olivia Newton John.
She's bLond haiR, heRe eyeS're gReen anD he's smiLinG.

6. Read the lyrics of the song and say what it is about.
She likeS tO be a haiRdreSser bUt she faiLs.

7. How many music styles do you know? Write them down.
CarRibean, cLassiCaL, fOlk, jaZz, latiN, R & B, rOck n rOll.

8. Explain the different styles, name at least one singer or band and say when each style more or less started.
bOb maRley
cLaSsicaL: beethOven
jaZz: lOuiS aRmstrOng
R & B: miChaeL jaCksOn
rOck n rOll: eLviS pReSley

Thursday, 27 September 2007

тнє ѕιмρѕσηѕ

thiS iS a peiG frOm simpsOns episOdi, i like it veRy mUch...!

Friday, 21 September 2007

тнє ριηк єgg,,,*

he is strange, but I like it! pink egg… where to sight that? then nothing more, I put it because I like it, and because me to amused similarity.

Thursday, 20 September 2007


I'm Bibi. i'm frOm girOna, i live iN mOnt-raS, i live whit my paRentS anD mi toRtOiSe, anD... my dOg! they nameS aRe antOniO anD maRi. my tOrtOiSe name's eLektRa anD my dOg name's rayO!ave gOt 16 yeaRs, anD i haven't gOt any brOtheR oR siSteR. my biRthey iS oN 24 oF maRch. i like pLay whit my fRienDs anD see my bOyfRiend. i dOn't like stUdy anD the chainiS fOoD...