Thursday, 15 November 2007


1. Choose a state and find at least three reasons why it would be interesting to visit this state.
-New York.
I thiNk iS inteReStinG tO viSit beCaUse tHere aRe univeRsitieS, biGs anD beaUtifUls hOteLs anD y0u can fOund a lOt of famOus peOple.

2. Answer the following three questions of your state.

a. Name one important/well known person of your state.
Tupac Shakur rapper, Bronx
Mae West actress, Brooklyn
Barbara Stanwyck actress, Brooklyn

b. What is the typical food of your state?

-A little bit of everything

c. When did it enter the USA?
-On Julay 26, 1788

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